Just a quick note to let you know that the worst of Tropical Storm Olga has left Cabarete. I think we'll have some lingering rain but at about 5 am this morning, everything went completely silent. So quiet in fact that it woke me up!! Pretty weird after listening to howling wind & rain for 12 hours non stop.
We think our strongest gusts here were about 45 mph yesterday evening but the wind data has some huge holes in it because everything went down. We lost internet last night and it only came up a few minutes ago.
We ventured out this morning to look at the storm damage and Matt has been busy repairing everything from his crash yesterday (yes, it was quite bad). So far, the damage appears to be very minor here with the exception of the total annihilation of Marabu restaurant (Click
Here for some photos of the inside of the restaurant on my Birthday and Click
Here for some BEFORE pictures & more info). I'll post some pictures from today soon.
The beach is pretty dirty and there are huge drifts of sand everywhere. Our little pathway down to the beach is just covered with sand and all the plants along it are pretty storm damaged. Lots of the thatched roofs here are pretty torn up and several palm trees have seen better days. We haven't been into town yet to see what the damage is there, but we were in town the night that the storm came in and everyone was really putting things away in preparation for the storm so hopefully the damage is not too bad. We live across from the hardware store and once they managed to repair their font awning (to be able to open their doors), they opened for business and have had a steady stream of customers all morning.
I'll post some pictures this morning out to Picasa and post some more here as soon as our internet connection is stable.