Sorry its been so long since I've posted last, but between going back to work and having company since last Saturday, the poor blog has been neglected. We had a great week visiting with my family (Laura, Eric, Katelyn, TJ & Jamie). We managed to get in quite a bit of site seeing and fun (even with a sick little one). I'll post some pictures from our visit soon.
Among the week's highlights were visits to Dinosaur Ridge, Red Rocks, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Keystone, Dave & Busters, Flat Irons Mall, Coors (yep, enjoyed those 3 free samples too), & Colorado Mills. They accused me of stuffing them every hour or so. I did get to do a lot of cooking, including an Italian night and a great Fondue night. Matt grilled some wonderful pork chops for us one night.
I also managed to get Laura & Jamie throughly hooked on scrap-booking (sorry, TJ & Eric). Laura and I spent one entire day visiting 5 scrap-book stores within about 15 miles from our house. We had a blast. Then, we managed to get Jamie hooked and got her all setup to start scraping!!
I'm back to work on Monday so it will be an adjustment again but hopefully not too bad. Have a great week and I'll be back with pics soon!!