Saturday, November 10, 2007

Down by the sea...

Sorry, I haven't put a lot of details about us in here lately, but I've been scrapping away as you can see. The weather here hasn't been all that great in terms of wind for the last couple of days so we're taking walks on the beach and hanging out. We're planning on some more snorkeling tomorrow to help keep our sanity.

We didn't realize it, but Dominican is known for its amber (See here for more info) and it washes up on the beach quite frequently. We've been going down to kite beach and searching through the masses of sea weed that washes up and collecting amber. We have lots of tiny pieces and several larger pieces. We're hoping to do some research on it to figure out how to polish it and make it into a necklace, earrings or bracelet. Matt tells me that I'm going Jewelry shopping each day when we go to the beach. Here's a pic that Matt took of me as I was returning from shopping (see all the sea weed all over the beach behind me).

In addition, I bought a kite!! Just need wind now to learn how to fly it. We'll have some pics soon!!

In addition, I've put up all our photos onto the Picasa site from our last time snorkeling (Nov 3). Go here to view them.

Hmmm... I think thats about it and we're all caught up!!!


Kristine said...

Hi Angela!

Just popped in to say I just got your application TODAY!!! I found it in my spam folder....not been a good day for me....will touch base tonight with my answer. Have a great day!


Nikki said...

Hey Angela! Thought I'd pop in and welcome you to the overly merry band of Wenches!

Glad to have ya aboard!

Have a great dork dancing filled day!
